진주 파밀리에 피아체 신진주역세권 아파트 분양 아닌 타운하우스 매매 모델하우스

Think of it as a Piache housing complex-type tenement house, or townhouse, for the Shinshin Station area family. Shindonga Construction will be built near KTX Jinju Station. There was news that it would be sold around September. It seems like this is the first time I’ve ever seen a townhouse like this in Jinju. We sold a lot in Seoul and Gyeonggi Province. Since it’s the first start, I think scarcity and expected value are considerable. It is not a model house or apartment for the sale of Piache to the family of the new station.

First, let’s look into housing complexes and move on to the main point. This is a residential product that collects only the advantages of detached houses and apartments, and several detached houses like apartments gather to form a complex. You can think of it as a combination of a single-family specialized design and an apartment convenience system. One of the advantages is the comfortable living environment, and another feature is that specialized designs such as terraces and attic are applied. Our complex-type house is a space where you can enjoy a pleasant living such as a sense of openness, and it guarantees an independent space compared to apartments. If you have a romance about ordinary houses, please come to the model house as it is a town house that only collects the advantages of apartments and detached houses.

A total of 104 households in the 27th and 28th blocks of Jinju-si, Gyeongsangnam-do, a three-story single-structure parking space with a three-story underground terrace, a variety of specialized designs such as attic and piloti, and a single-pyeong stand with a dedicated area of 84 square meters

A total of 104 households in the 27th and 28th blocks of Jinju-si, Gyeongsangnam-do, a three-story single-structure parking space with a three-story underground terrace, a variety of specialized designs such as attic and piloti, and a single-pyeong stand with a dedicated area of 84 square meters

Unlike ordinary apartments, apartment complexes, or townhouses, do not require common residential areas such as corridors, stairs, and elevators, so they can secure a large actual area of use and provide service areas such as terraces and gardens.Another advantage is that there are no restrictions from various regulations. If you are 19 years old or older, you can apply without a subscription account, and there are no resale restrictions. I think it is popular among young people with low subscription points and those who dream of rural life. Please take this opportunity.

Although several households live together, it is a three-story single household where you can live independently. This is Shindonga Construction’s Shindonga Station Family Aceh, which creates a romantic life between Tokyo and the scenery.Book to Shinshinku FamilyHigh-end residential products ( housing complex type)This is the first single-family housing complex in Jinju.◆ Right in front of my house is an individual garden: Realize romance with a garden design in front of my house ◆ Maximize service area: Relaxed service space from medium to large flat ◆ attic and exclusive terrace space: healing, hobby space, tea time, etc. ◆ Relaxed parking space ◆ 3-story single housePlease realize your romance with a complex-type apartment complex and townhouse that only chose the advantages of detached houses and apartments.make a reservation with the Shinshin Station FamilyPlease realize your romance with a complex-type apartment complex and townhouse that only chose the advantages of detached houses and apartments.make a reservation with the Shinshin Station FamilyThe evening scenery with the sea (Jinhae) is all healthy!Previous image Next imagePrevious image Next image

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