WEBTOON | Read Comics Online – Data Visualization [Code states PMB 13th generation]

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Today, I’m going to collect and visualize WEBTOON data!And after a long time, I said, “It’s ~.”I think I’ll sift it out.

First, WEBOTN is the North American platform for neighbor webtun.Collect data sets of WEBOTN and determine whether the hypothesis will be correct and determine whether the hypothesis.Because of data, it is expected to collect data, it is expected to be able to obtain deep insight into the data.I would like to check the hypothesis to check the hypothesis.Dataset 출처https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/victorsoeiro/webtoons-dataset

Webtoon Dataset Webtoonswww.kaggle.com Original Comic Collection Dataset

Webtoon Dataset Webtoonswww.kaggle.com Original Comic Collection Dataset

Pre-processing WEBTOON Data

This dataset is extracted from WEBTOON and contains only information about premium content.The existing data contained a total of 19 items, but all information that could not be quantitatively measured was removed except for unique IDs and titles. In addition, the reduced number in units of M (million) and B (billion) was converted into a complete number and separated if various information was included in one item.The data processed in this way consists of a total of 10 items (specific ID/title/genre/number of views/number of subscriptions/number of likes/months of publication and year of publication) as follows.

hypothesis setting

Configured three hypothesis on this data.hypothesis 1. The genre will be distributed equally.Foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign Affairs said, ” diversity” as one of the reasons for successful in North America market.This is a hypothesis that the foundation of WEBOTN is equal to the basis of the basis of the foundation.The hypothesis 2.Comscriptions are the most popularity.This hypothesis was the same characteristics of the North American market is also the same characteristics of Japan’s own country.”The domestic user was high preference for comic/Gag> action/SFP> action/SFP> action/SFP> action.I thought that the preference is applied to North America.Therefore, the most of the “Comscriptions” genre, which falls under the comic/Gigy” genre.

Source: Korea Creative Content Agency, 2021 White Paper on Cartoon Industry Hypothesis 3. View and like will be proportional.Both views and likes are items that indicate preference, and we thought the two items were proportional. Hypothesis 1. Genres will be evenly distributed.

Source: Korea Creative Content Agency, 2021 White Paper on Cartoon Industry Hypothesis 3. View and like will be proportional.Both views and likes are items that indicate preference, and we thought the two items were proportional. Hypothesis 1. Genres will be evenly distributed.

[Data visualization] Insert horizontal bar chart to find the total number of webtoons by genre. Emphasize 1st, 2nd, and 3rd order values

Hypothesis-testing In practice, the genre distribution was an actor imbalance.Fantasy, romance, drama and action work add up more than the rest of the genres combined.In fact, there is a big difference between the variety of genres and the equal distribution of genres. Hypothesis 2. Comedy genre subscriptions will be the most common.

[Data visualization] Emphasize the value of Comedy inserted into a vertical bar chart to find the overall average subscribe, view, grade, and likes by genre

When hypothesis-testing Romance genres are considered to have the most subscriptions, views, and likes, the most preferred genre for North American users is Romance, not Comedy.Comedy, on the other hand, ranked eighth, fourth and third respectively in subscribe, view and likes.The reason why Korean and North American users have different preferences for genres is that the distribution of age and gender is different.While Korea has a diverse age distribution and almost uniform gender table, the main readers in North America are Generation Z women.I think this difference in demographic composition is reflected in the difference in preference.출처: https://headerbidding.co/becoming-webtoon/Hypothesis 3. View and like will be proportional.Hypothesis 3. View and like will be proportional.[Data visualization] Find the average views and likes per webtoon. Set the X-axis to view_average, Y-axis to like_average, and insert a distributed chart insertion trend lineHypothesis testing As expected, view and like were proportional.I found one really interesting fact here, but it’s a far-fetched point right in the upper right corner.At first, I thought there was an error in preprocessing the data.In fact, it is a webtoon called Save Me, which contains BTS music video and “BU (BTS World View).”There is only one, but it ranks first among all webtoons in subscribe, view, and likes.Hypothesis testing As expected, view and like were proportional.I found one really interesting fact here, but it’s a far-fetched point right in the upper right corner.At first, I thought there was an error in preprocessing the data.In fact, it is a webtoon called Save Me, which contains BTS music video and “BU (BTS World View).”There is only one, but it ranks first among all webtoons in subscribe, view, and likes.While finishing the assignment..When I actually analyzed the data, it was much more interesting than theory! It was very difficult…I’ve taken Excel practical lectures at Infron and it was easy to listen to.Next time, I want to study Big Quarry and Tablo.This task clearly realized the importance of data visualization.In particular, if we hadn’t visualized the data through distributed charts in Hypothesis 3, we wouldn’t have found such a far-reaching piece of data. I really enjoyed the process of actually tracking down the cause.That’s it for today.【参考】https://www.webtoons.com/en/Enjoy every day with the #1 manga app with millions of users around the world wide.www.webtoons.com감지된 언어가 없습니다.

입력 언어를 확인해 주세요.Naver Webtoon Journey: To North America!Problems in the North American market where Naver Webtoon entered and solutions to Naver Webtoon | There was news that Naver acquired the North American novel platform Wattpad. Although it acquired the world’s largest web novel service at a whopping 650 billion won, it has an ambition to actively develop into the IP industry in the future. However, Naver would not have made such a decision without any basis. Prior to the acquisition of Watpad, Naver Webtoon North America service was successful.brunch.co.kr감지된 언어가 없습니다.

입력 언어를 확인해 주세요.CEO Webtoon sees huge growth and new opportunities in the U.S. market Webtoon founder/global CEO Junkoo Kim talks about new partnerships with DC and Archie, new media deals and the huge benefits some creators are making through revenue sharing model.www.forbes.comCEO Webtoon sees huge growth and new opportunities in the U.S. market Webtoon founder/global CEO Junkoo Kim talks about new partnerships with DC and Archie, new media deals and the huge benefits some creators are making through revenue sharing model.www.forbes.comCEO Webtoon sees huge growth and new opportunities in the U.S. market Webtoon founder/global CEO Junkoo Kim talks about new partnerships with DC and Archie, new media deals and the huge benefits some creators are making through revenue sharing model.www.forbes.com

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